Below an overview of courses, projects and other activities throughout my master.

photo of the prototype

M1.1 Organizing based on trust in youthcare organisations

US – BE – CA – TR – MDC – DRP

After the decentralisation of the youth care system in the Netherlands, the system became very complex resulting in a lower quality in care for youth’s and harder to navigate for youthcare employees. Together with our client Garage2020 we created a conversation tool to approach this problem from bottom to top. The conversation tool used between youthcare employees and institutes such as the municipality. It guides different stakeholders through creating projects based on reflecting and visioning together.

photo of the prototype

M1.2 FutureNarratives

US – CA – TR – DRP

This design research project aimed to bridge the present and the future to increase awareness of the effect of climate change on everyday life. Constructing a future self might increase the connection between a person’s present and future. This connection can allow for an increase in understanding of the need for climate action. The research probe is an interactive story where people can interact with Raven, who helps construct a future self, followed by a story about Sam based on the given answers. The story allows people to see how their imagined future can play out in a scenario based on the current climate change trends.

photo of the prototype

M2.1 A transition journal to become climate-friendly

US – BE – CA – TR – DRP

This project created the foundation for the FMP project and was used to explore opportunities to design for climate change related behaviour change. In previous the M1.2 project I have interviewed many participants on how they see the future creating a solid foundation to explore this further. Through extensive scoping it was decided to create a journal to support a leadership attitude in climate change. The result from this project was the first version of the journal with some initial testing creating a solid starting point for the FMP.

photo of the prototype

M2.2 – FMP – A transition journal and community to become climate-friendly

US – BE – CA – TR – MDC – DRP

In the graduation project, a journal was created to support adopting a growth mindset through journaling and positivity to transition towards a climate-friendly lifestyle. To support the adoption of a growth mindset the journal contains several activities focused on community. An online community (@becomingclimatefriendly on Instagram) was created to share best practices and inform journal users to add an extra layer of engagement. Through user-testing and co-reflection the journal and community were validated and improved. Finally, it was explored how the journal could be brought through market for example through the municipality or a publisher.

Design for Behavioural Change


The course strengthened my knowledge of behaviour change theories and how to integrate theories into design. I designed a behaviour change intervention to encourage the habit of unplugging electronic devices.

Image of the FutureFramer a prototype to explore the future of food.

Constructive Design Research


This was a deepening course on design and research processes and methodologies in Industrial Design. Through the showroom approach, I learned how design can be used to research perspectives on the future of food.

Image of the FutureFramer a prototype to explore the future of food.

Design for Social Innovation


Learning about ethnography and exploring social innovation theories changed my perspective on a ‘product’ as they are not stand-alone but are placed within a system. It made me a more conscious designer who is aware of their place in a system.

User Experience Theory and Practice


I developed my perspective on UX design by writing a UX portfolio, learned how to take a stand and communicate my stance on issues in design through a manifesto and continued developing my UX/UI design skills through a client challenge.

Image of the FutureFramer a prototype to explore the future of food.

Researching the Future Everyday


My vision relates to the present and the future. Through this course, I have trained my future-thinking muscle and learned methods to facilitate this. A children’s book was written that will be read to children in the future to help them imagine what the future might look like.

Image of the FutureFramer a prototype to explore the future of food.

Design Entrepreneurship


Where most courses start with creating a design, this course continues a project, allowing for focusing on bringing a product to market. I have learned to create business canvases, talk to potential stakeholders, and focus on the technical parts of the product.

Programmeer interface

Designing with Advanced AI


I value staying up to date with new technologies to communicate and ideate with AI. I discovered that even while exploring and working on the code, my main interest is in how it can strengthen concepts rather than doing the back-end work.

Board year at s.v.i.d. Lucid

From 2020 to 2021, I was the secretary and commissioner of Professional Relations at the study association Industrial Design Lucid at the TU/e. During the year, I focused on improving our workflow as a board through implementing SCRUM. Additionally, I contributed to collaborating with external parties, improving the association’s policy structure, as it was during COVID-19 risk analysis, and taking care of the well-being of our members through hosting activities.

Image of the FutureFramer a prototype to explore the future of food.

UX/UI Designer at MedApp

I have worked at MedApp as a UX/UI Designer for one year after finishing my internship there. I have contributed to the app’s design and translating user needs into new functionalities. This job provided me with experience as a designer in a multidisciplinary and to translate user needs into product features.

Master council

For my entire master I have been part of the Master-Council, which is a council from s.v.i.d. Lucid and the department. In meetings the curriculum was discussed and with a group of masters we provided feedback. Additionally, brainstorm sessions with Quality Assurance ID were held or with other guest members. I enjoyed my time in the council as it was a place to critically reflect on why we are doing what we are doing, while also discussing how to do better. I have learned to articulate my opinion and provide constructive feedback.

PI&V Student Mentor

For 1,5 years, I have been a student mentor for Industrial Design Bachelor year one students, where I helped them become self-directed learners through hosting interactive sessions. I especially enjoyed working with year one students, and they need more guidance in understanding how our curriculum works and showing them how valuable it is to become a self-directed learner. From being a mentor, I have learned to facilitate workshops, speak for large crowds and to provide constructive feedback.

PI&V Teacher Assistant

In addition to being a student mentor for PI&V, I have also been a teacher assistant to help facilitate the course. This entailed partially creating the mentors’ educational guides, ensuring Canvas was up to date, answering questions and providing assistance during activities such as the poster market. This experience has helped me develop my organizational skills and public speaking through hosting the master systems presentations and being critical of my work.

Advisory organs at s.v.i.d. Lucid

After doing a board year, I have remained active in the association through advisory organs. At Lucid, we have a council of predecessors per function. I have been in two of these councils because of my double function as secretary and commissioner of Professional Relations. Additionally, I have been part of a workgroup to develop the association’s policy structure. Lastly, I have been part of the Council of Advice, a council where old board members support the sitting board in challenges on the association level or board dynamics. Next year, I will become the chairman of the Council of Advice, which will help me develop my leadership skills. Throughout all these advisory roles, I have learned to be visionary while remaining critical and practical. I have managed conversations to conclusions and switched between helicopter and ‘on the ground’ perspectives.


Read more about my development through this master


Read more about my development through my graduation project


Read more about my next steps